Services Events

Where other carriers are not able to deliver high speed internet, SGN delivers you whera you want it on earth or sea in a record time fast and reliable internet based on fibre optic, via cable or radio antenna.
You will be able to choose the suited bandwith speed you need for your customers press and you own needs..

Garanteed Bandwidth till 100 méga
Ungaranteed Bandwidth till 50 méga

Our bonding solution allows you to secure the link(s) and benefit from a seamless backup in case that the worst would happen
As a option we can propose a suited reliable wifi system that will allow logs records, wich is essential in legal terms, a captive portal with your visual identity, database collecction of the connected users, emailing sms, mms that will allow you to communicate with the users, You can also advertise on all our city wifi network or just in certain areas.
For backups we can also propose those technologies:
adsl - sdsl - fibre optique - radio links - satellite - 3G - 4G


  • Radio / Fibre Suscriptions
    • Garanteed: On demand
    • Ungaranteed: On demand
  • Install:
    • Includes: (antenna and module rental, install, cabling, ste up and tests)
  • Wifi & ad’s on demand*



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